During introductions today, participants shared favorite writers, books, articles.
I've been consulting Bruce Penniman's Building the English Classroom since the beginning of August. What I like most about this book is its blend of practical tips to implement right away, plenty of templates and student samples, along with a friendly narrative that keeps the information moving along.
I find this style of professional writing to be most welcome considering my time constraints as a high school English teacher. On a typical school day, I read all day long. It's a challenge to cuddle up on the couch with most books about the organization of the English classroom, but Mr. Penniman's text is user-friendly enough to do the job.
Feel free to post about your favorite professional writers and writings. You might have thought of some on the drive home today...
Kristy, Thank you for a great day. I too feel as if I can do this. I have begun. Move over Ralph Fletcher?